Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Closed Set Commercials.

This morning Gabriel had to do his closed set commercials. These are commercials with no judges, no parents, and no audience. They're shot pretty much like a normal commercial would be shot. He stands in front of a white screen while a camera crew films his performance. They also display his performance on a monitor for everyone in the shoot to see. Basically they want to see how he handles direction and how he does in a real world set.

Now normally Holly would never leave Gabe alone on a set but this is just how they do the competition. So with that in mind all the parents were quiet as a church mouse in the waiting room and when their child went in they all went up to the door to listen in and peak through the peep hole.

Holly said Gabriel, once again, did a great job on both his Beauty commercial and his Real People commercial. He nailed them both and Holly said she couldn't have been prouder. Especially since they were really running behind on the first commercial. He was suppose to shoot at 8:15 but didn't get in until 9:20. Not good for a 4 year old. Once he finished his was rushed into the next commercial and Holly was nervous he may stumble. But no. They guy is something. I'm most impressed with Gabe's ability to remember every single word. He never forgets.

I'm not sure what's next for him, since I needed to let Holly go. But I'll fill you in as soon as I get more news

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