Monday, July 28, 2008

Peanut M&M

Everybody is just winding down and settling back down to reality. At this point we're just waiting to hear back from Wendi. My guess is she's pretty busy

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Some of Gab'e Monologue

And here is some of Gabe's Monologue. unfortunately Holly didn't get it all cus there was something in the way, but when she moved up she was able to get a pretty clear shot of him



I'm working on capturing all the video from the trip. As soon as I get some clips, I'll be sure to share. Holly even managed to capture almost his entire Monologue so I'll be sure to post that one

Decisions to make

Holly will call Wendi on Monday and set up a private appointment. She's going to sit down with us and review each of the agencies interested in Gabriel. She'll be able to tell us which agencies she recommends. Of course, her recommendation will hold a lot of merit, since she's been doing this for quite some time, and we're just newbies from Toledo

Friday, July 25, 2008

Almost Time to Come home

They're finally coming home !!
Emma and I can't wait to see him


I few people have asked how Emma is handling all this and I I want to say, she couldn't be happier for Gabe. She loves seeing him do his thing on stage and even practices with him at home. The two of them will take turns pretending to be the audience while the other performs.

Emma just doesn't have the guts t actually do it on stage in front of an audience, but she absolutely loves to see her little brother do well.


The awards are in!!!!

Holly just called and gave me a break down of all the awards. Gabriel placed in every single event he entered.

6th Place in Swimwear
6th Place in Theatrical Headshot
6th Place in Jeans
6th Place in Runway

3rd Runner up in TV Real People
3rd Runner up in Fashion Print

2nd Runner up in Beauty Commercial
2nd Runner up in Toys “R” us Commercial

WINNER in Sitcom
WINNER in Monologue


GabeCast: Updates on Agents

There's just Waaaaay too much news to try and type up. I'm a very slow typist so it's just easier for me to record an audio track and load it to the site.



Thursday, July 24, 2008

Must be a long day of meetings today cus Holly hasn't been calling me with her usual updates

Call Backs

Well Gabe has 12 call Backs today. Which is great news.

However, Holly tells me she already went to one person who is very interested in Gabriel but is now on the fence. On the fence because Gabe wasn't being himself in the call back. He's being very antisocial and crabby. Not exactly a good thing

So hopefully he cheers up and has some better call backs cus as it stands now he's not exactly nailing his interviews

now my stomach doesn't feel very good


Fun Times in NYC

So I've neglected to tell you some of the fun stuff Holly and Gabe have been doing. Like for one thing they visited this big M&M store that I guess is just a heaven for all things M&M related. They also took a log channel boat cruise that took them around Manhattan and over to ellis island where they were able to be right on top of The Statue of Liberty. All lit up at night. Holly said it was amazing. They even had a DJ on the boat so, of course, Gabe and Holly had to do some dancing.

They also went to a shop called Serendipity. The same exact ice cream shop in the movie Serendipity. However, it's a very popular place so they had to wait around for an hour until they could be seated. So in the mean time they walked over to a candy shop called Dylan's Candy Bar. Holly said it was like walking into Willy Wonka's. They had a door man all dressed up who opened the door and greeted you with a big smile and a hello. The entire floor was actual candy varnished to the floor, even the steps to the second level. Just wall to wall candy.

They've been having blast and I can't wait to see all the photos and video

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


In sitcom Gabriel has to work with another actor and play off his reactions. So he goes up on stage and begins the dialogue. It's really acting as you would on the set of a television show. Once again, Holly tells me he did an awesome job. Nailed every line and really gave the judges what they were looking for.

Call backs start on Thursday, so anyone who is interested in Gabriel will set up private appointments to meet with Holly and Gabe.

He has one more competition left and then he's all done and they just have to sit back and wait to see if he receives any call backs


Holly and Gabe have two more appointments with agents today as well

Spoke with an Agent

Holly and Gabriel met with an agent yesterday. This is pretty big news as they haven't even started the call back sessions yet. Those do not begin until Thursday. So clearly he's very interested in Gabriel. It's a little scary to think about actually signing with an agency and Gabriel making national commercials and movies. There's a ton to think about and decide. Not exactly something you want to just rush into.

One thing he did say though, was that he expects Gabriel to receive a ton of call backs. Again, kind of scary. I mean we signed Gabriel up for the sow hoping he would be seen, but now that it's actually here and about to happen, it's a bit surreal

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Early Day

Well that's it for competitions today. An early day for him. So now Holly and Gabe can sit back and relax for the rest of the day and night. However, they need to go check the schedule board around 3:30, to see what time tomorrows events will start.

He has another unwary completion, This time swimsuit, and he has his last acting performance. Sitcom. In sitcom he'll be playing off another actor.

Come back tomorrow for more updates, and thank to everyone reading this blog :)

Fashion Runway

Gabriel also did his Fashion Runway today. Once again, he did pretty good but I think it's obvious he really enjoys being in front of the camera more than doing the modeling. He just finds acting much more fun.

Holly said he did give a really good smile at the end of the runway to the judges and he did get a reaction so that's good.

However, there's another boy named Antonio that's killing on the runway. Holly said it's like Usher coming on stage when he walks out. The crowd loves him and he's just the cutest little boy.

All of these events are great for Gabe. If anything he loves the attention and it just continues to build his confidence

Closed Set Commercials.

This morning Gabriel had to do his closed set commercials. These are commercials with no judges, no parents, and no audience. They're shot pretty much like a normal commercial would be shot. He stands in front of a white screen while a camera crew films his performance. They also display his performance on a monitor for everyone in the shoot to see. Basically they want to see how he handles direction and how he does in a real world set.

Now normally Holly would never leave Gabe alone on a set but this is just how they do the competition. So with that in mind all the parents were quiet as a church mouse in the waiting room and when their child went in they all went up to the door to listen in and peak through the peep hole.

Holly said Gabriel, once again, did a great job on both his Beauty commercial and his Real People commercial. He nailed them both and Holly said she couldn't have been prouder. Especially since they were really running behind on the first commercial. He was suppose to shoot at 8:15 but didn't get in until 9:20. Not good for a 4 year old. Once he finished his was rushed into the next commercial and Holly was nervous he may stumble. But no. They guy is something. I'm most impressed with Gabe's ability to remember every single word. He never forgets.

I'm not sure what's next for him, since I needed to let Holly go. But I'll fill you in as soon as I get more news

Monday, July 21, 2008


I just received another update from Holly. Gabe had his monologue at 7 tonight. He ended up being the third from the last guy to give his performance, in his group. They separate the actors into smaller groups for the monologues and have them do it in front of a smaller group of judges. I assume, because the monologues are so much longer than a15 second commercial. Oh and they still need to perform in front of an audience.

Holly said the judges stay pretty quite through all of the monologues and didn't say much. That is until Gabriel came up to do his. Holly said he did his monologue as good as she's ever seen him do it. He had the judges reacting, and laughing hard. In fact she said one judge looked like we was going to fall out of his chair when he said "she probably picks her boogers and eats them" When he was done they gave him a big round of applause and one judge even stood up and walked over to a separate area to make, what looked like a special note of his performance.

I have to say, Holly and I couldn't be more proud of our little man. He shows no fear in front of a big crowd and people he doesn't even know. Poor Holly is far more nervous than Gabriel ever is.

Well that's it for today. Tomorrow the day starts bright and early. He has three performances before noon

Runway Jeans

OK, so Gabe just had his Runway Jeans walk.
Holly said he did good but not great. Unfortunately they walked a little different at IMTA than they did in class so that threw him for a loop. He ended up missing one of his stops and walked off without giving one last stop and smile.

That was kind of a bummer but you know what, that's OK. he's doing his best and having a blast that's what really counts.

Toys "R" Us Commercial

Holly just called and told me that Gabe KILLED on his Toys "R" Us commercial. She was nervous as heck for him but Gabe was a cool cucumber on stage. She said there was about 20-30 judges watching his performance on stage in front of a pretty good sized audience.

He nailed it and even made the crowd laugh, Which is great cus it's a pretty funny and interesting skit

Arrived in New York

Well Gabe and Holly are in New York and already soaking in the environment. They arrived at 10 am but didn't actually check into their room until 2 pm. Holly tells me the drive in was pretty amazing. They drove through neighborhood after neighborhood until eventually the neighborhoods turned to downtown. She says it truly is a whole new world in NYC compared to little Toledo.

Their room is on the 30th floor of the Hilton and just a couple blocks away from Radio City Music Hall. Holly has already taken a photo of Gabriel in front of the Late Show entrance, as well as, eaten lunch in Time Square. It sounds to me like they're having a great time

Tonight is his first competition. Actually he has three tonight. Toys "R" Us, jeans modeling (on the Catwalk), and finally his monologue.

AS the info come in, I'll keep everyone posted

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Only 2 more weeks until Gabe and Holly head off to NYC. The time just flew by. I hope to get some video on here of Gabriel performing his commercial and other acting tasks.

Wendi would like him to perform in another showcase so I would really like to bring the camera for that day.

Plus Holly will take a camera with her to NYC to capture the entire event. She won't be able to tape the auditions of course but she'll tape what she can. After all she'll be there for Gabe, not to tape everything for me