Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Changling!

We couldn't be prouder!!!!!
Gabriel was officially offered the role of "The Changling" this afternoon. It's a major role for a boy his age and one where he'll be on stage for a good portion of the play.

Wasting no time, they'll start rehearsal right away. Tomorrow is the first meeting.

We can't wait to see him in action :)

A Midsummer Night's Dream

The Toledo Repertoire Theatre

Gabriel had an audition today at The Toledo Rep. William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream

This should be interesting. There's one role we're hoping he'll land. The role of "The Changeling boy" This role has little to no speaking parts but is a role where he'll appear on stage for a large portion of the play.

We just think he'd be perfect as "The Changeling"