Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Gabriel had his showcase on Monday. Of course, HE ROCKED!!!!!

I'm not trying to brag (well maybe a little) but I felt he really did a great job. I was a little concerned about how he would do. I mean he's been practicing in front of his class for weeks now but doing it in front of strangers is a whole new ball game.

He did goof around a little but once he finally stopped messing around with Wendi and the teachers, he went out on stage and belted out his lines like a true champ.

Wendi has also asked Gabriel to come back again for the older group showcase. Again, the more practice he has the better. I think they'll actually walk the runway at this showcase, so that should be pretty cool to see. Of course they'll do their commercials and monologue as well so we'll all get to see that one more time.